
附录四 原著及主要参考文献 (第1/4页)



1.Thucydides, <i>History of the Peloponnesian War</i>, translated by C. F. Smith, The Loeb Classical Library, Vol. 4, Cambridge: Havard University Press, 1928–1935.本书简作“史译本”。

2.Thucydides, <i>The History of the Peloponesian War</i>, translated by R. Crawley, The Great Books in Western World, Vol. 6, London: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1988.本书简作“克译本”。

3.Thucydides, <i>The Peloponesian War</i>, edited by Francis R. B. Godolphin, The Greek Historians, Vol. 1, New York: Random House, Inc., 1942.本书简作“昭译本”。

4.Thucydides, <i>The Peloponnesian War</i>, translated by Steven Lattimore, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishiug Company, 1998.

5.Thucydides, <i>The Peloponesian War</i>, a new translation by Matin Hammond with an introduction and notes by P. J. Rhodes, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

6.Thucydides, <i>History of the Peloponnesian War</i>, translated by Rex Warner with an introduction and notes by M. I. Finley, London: Pen




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