ree ways of betraying a parent—of which dying without descendants was the vilest—and promptly invested thirty-one pieces of gold in a wife for himself.His excessive respect for Yaozong was presumably down to the younger man's virtuosic show of filial virtue.
(2)Wang had told me that Yaozong's father had met the Long Hairs:he had flung himself on to the ground and begged for his life, knocking a big red lump up on his forehead.But he managed to stay alive, at least—and ingratiated himself by running a kitchen to keep them fed, turning a healthy profit on the proceeds.After the Long Hairs were defeated, he managed to get away from them and return to Wushi, where he gradually succeeded in becoming comfortably off.Yaozong's current plan—of winning them over with a single square meal—was nothing to his father's ingenuity.
蓝译确实做到了踵事增华,后出转精。此外蓝译还有一个特点(如果不是缺点):凡是翻译人物年龄时都减去一岁。如耀宗“二十一岁无子”到了蓝氏笔下就成了“二十岁无子”(failed to generate a son by the age of twenty),蓝氏这样做的理由是中国人计算年